Program Eligibility Requirements


While we accept rolling applications, we have two very specific timelines to align with most school schedules to onboard new candidates during our fiscal year (July 1 – June 30):
  • Spring Semester start:
    Eligible applicants should apply from October 1 through December 1.
    We plan to have Program Agreements ready to execute on January 1.
  • Fall Semester start
    Eligible applicants should apply from February 1 through July 30
    We plan to have Program Agreements ready to execute on August 15 or September 1, depending on the school start date.


Eligibility is open to Central Texas individuals and families. We do not discriminate based on age, gender, religion, sexual orientation or ethnicity. There is no age limit or family size limit. The recipient—or the family they live with—must have achieved significant milestones to achieve stability and success but still need help to achieve their dreams. We are not a scholarship program, although we may provide some tuition support. Recipients are expected to be free from substance abuse/illegal drugs.  We do not provide resources to support or begin businesses. The successful candidate’s Dream will result in employment that moves them out of poverty to financial independence.

Application and Selection

Dream Achiever candidates must complete an application. A reference is required to fill out a Candidate Reference form on the candidate’s behalf. The Dream Come True Selection Committee will process your application. If selected to continue, you will be contacted for an interview by the Selection Committee. Candidates who receive a favorable evaluation from the Selection Committee will be interviewed by the full Board of the Dream Come True Foundation.