Dreamer Myra Segura’s Story

Myra Segura has an abundance of ambition. It’s what drove her as a young teenager to obtain admission to an extremely competitive high school. It’s what drove her to plan to become the first in her family to receive a college education. And when, as a single mother at the age of 18, her journey may have been altered, she merely pressed harder. It was more important than ever to Myra that she set goals that would provide financial security for herself and for her daughter. And that’s what pushed her to continue her education at the college level even as she worked and cared for her child. Myra had the insight to know she couldn’t do this alone. She found support from her parents who provided love and shelter. She found childcare help through Workforce Solutions. She received financial assistance for nursing school tuition and expenses through Capital Idea. When the rigors of nursing school, working close to full-time hours, and managing motherhood proved daunting and threatened her dreams, she was referred to The Dream Come True Foundation. It was clear to The Dream Come True Foundation that Myra was exactly the right candidate to become a Dreamer Achiever. She had the ambition and the potential to succeed and to break the looming chain of poverty. The Dream Come True Foundation is proud to have contributed both mentors and financial assistance to allow Myra to stay in the nursing program through her completion of the program. Myra received her AD degree this past December and is an RN. She is currently working at St. David’s North Austin Medical Center in their prestigious Labor and Delivery unit. She is not done yet. Myra expects to have her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree within the next 3 years. We wondered how much had changed since she was a 14-year old girl seeking admission to a select high school. Myra shared a copy of the essay she wrote for admission to San Juan Diego High School back in 2009. She wrote, “I have a high level of motivation and set high goals for myself, and lucky enough to have people that encourage me through everyday life.” Much has changed for Myra in the last 7 years, and much has remained the same. She is that same go-getter recognized by the admissions office of that high school and, more recently, recognized by The Dream Come True Foundation for her motivation to reach high goals. Myra completed her high school admission essay with the words, “I want to make my dreams reality.” For the first time, this April 6th, Myra served as the primary nurse providing medical care and encouragement for two new moms throughout the delivery of their babies. Myra has indeed made her dreams a reality.

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