Dream Come True is proud to have Ginny Fredericks on our team.
When asked to give us a little insight into her story, this is what she said:
I got my LMSW in 1983 from University of Washington and worked as a social worker until 2013, when I retired due to my husband’s illness. For 22 years I worked for Early Childhood Intervention, working with families with children under 3 who had delays or were medically fragile. I worked primarily with low income families in rural areas- and I liked it a lot. Dream Come True appeals to me as it seems very comprehensive and to have a real impact on the lives of the individuals and families. I have always thought one of our purposes is to leave the world better than we found it, and I think this does that. I look forward to getting to know my dreamer, learning from her, giving her needed resources, and having fun together!