We’re very excited to announce our Dream Achiever, Tina! Please keep reading to hear more about her family and her personal goals.

“We are the Torres family. Dad Angel, Mom Tina & children Jacob – 16, Angel Jr – 10, , & Ivan – 5. We have been married for 13 years. We coach baseball at Del Valle Little League because we love baseball & we enjoy how the sport brings us all close together. I will be the first in my family to graduate from college; I will be a Registered Nurse in December. I hope that my children learn and see that with hard work comes great reward & success. Attending college isn’t just a dream; it’s a reality and is something they are very capable of doing. I have the support of my husband, children, and my family, who all can’t wait to see me walk the stage in December.”
Tina, Dream Come True is so lucky to have you, and we can’t wait to help you achieve your dreams.